Roaring Brook Press / Macmillan
A Junior Library Guild Selection

Illustrated by Tracy Subisak
Grace can’t have a real dog,
so she takes matters
into her own hands.
She builds a robot dog
named KIT!
Grace codes him to behave
like the perfect dog.
Kit follows her instructions
He rolls over perfectly,
every time.
He plays fetch perfectly,
every single time.
But Grace soon discovers
that maybe following the rules
perfectly doesn’t make
the perfect pet . . .

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“Like live dogs, cybernetic ones turn out to need a lot of work—as Grace discovers when the pooch her parents finally let her get comes as a box of mechanical and electronic parts. Putting them together is only the first step. … Grace soon finds that the pup, aptly named Kit, mechanically obeys a few simple commands…so [she] determinedly sets out to expand the dog’s default programming… Grace’s general hands-on approach makes a good model for owners of nonrobotic dogs, too. Brimming with oodles of doggy affection, as well as useful pointers for young programmers.” Kirkus
A Junior Library Guild Selection